FFA Member Profile: Payge Clark, President


Tell us about your farm and family. My parents are Todd and Tracy Clark. I have four siblings: two sisters and two brothers. I live on a small dairy and beef farm outside of Wilton. We milk about 30 Holsteins and have about 80 beef cows.

Why did you join FFA? I joined FFA because I love agriculture. I also knew that it has a lot of amazing opportunities to try new things and push me out of my comfort zone.

What is your role in the chapter? It is my job to lead the officer team, help coordinate events and help make decisions for our chapter.

What FFA contests do you compete in? I have competed in LDEs and dairy judging competitions at World Dairy Expo.

What do you look forward to most in the upcoming FFA year?  I am most excited for National Agriculture Week. We celebrate by having activities for everyone to participate in. We also like to raise money for FFA by selling treats at lunch. I love watching everyone come together to celebrate something so important.

How has FFA shaped you as a person? FFA has made me a more outgoing person and has helped me to become a better leader.

What are your duties on the farm? I help my dad with chores every morning before school. It’s my job to take care of the calves and heifers. I help feed and let the cows in the barn, lock them up and clean the barn.

What are your future plans? I plan on attending college and receiving my bachelor’s degree in elementary education. I would like to stay involved with agriculture in some sort of way, whether that involves having my own cattle or running crops.


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