FFA Inside the Emblem: Brookwood


90-95 members
Ontario, Wisconsin
Monroe County

Tell us about your chapter. We have had a great start to the 2024-2025 year. Looking back at this summer, we had members volunteer at the Monroe County Dairy Breakfast, attend state convention and show at the local county and state fairs. In September, we hosted our annual crops fair, and officers attended the Section 3 Fall Leadership Workshop, where they learned how to better fulfill their duties. We recently took about 45 members to World Dairy Expo where we also had members participate on a dairy judging team. We are looking forward to the National FFA Convention, National Agriculture Week, fruit sales, participating in Leadership Development Event speaking events and many other fun events this year.

How does your chapter volunteer in the community throughout the year? Our community hosts blood drives. Officers volunteer at each of them, helping to keep those donating hydrated and cared for. We also prepare and donate fruit baskets to the elderly in our community. In addition, the leadership class creates a project to give back to the community each year. In past years, we have made gift buckets to give to local farmers and donated to first responders in our area.

What fundraisers does your chapter do throughout the year? Which is the most successful? In the fall, our FFA alumni host a tailgate supper at our home cross country meet. In the winter, we have our fruit sale. This is our most successful fundraising event because it is something many in our communities look forward to. It is a good opportunity for our members to reach out and make connections throughout our communities.

What are the biggest events of the year? One of our biggest events of the year is National Agriculture Week. The week is spent celebrating agriculture through dress ups and school assemblies, where all students and staff can participate in fun activities. We also prepare and serve all our staff an appreciation breakfast. Another big event for our FFA is our fruit sales. This is a great way for us to raise money for our organization. All members enjoy the friendly competition of who can sell the most fruit.

What is unique about your chapter? Because we are a rural school and have a smaller number of members, we can stay connected with each other. We are all very close and involved in our communities.

When was your chapter founded and how has it evolved? Our chapter was founded in 1963. It has evolved through the growth and involvement of students who did not grow up in agriculture. Students have begun to realize the benefits of the organization and choose to join to better themselves.


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