FFA Member Profile: Logan Schmidt, President


Tell us about your farm and family. In my family, I am the youngest of three boys. My family has a passion for agriculture. My oldest brother is an agronomist, my other brother is a rural loan specialist and my parents are very active in local agricultural organizations. I share my family’s passion for agriculture. I am a member of the Brillion FFA Chapter and New Horizons 4-H Club. My family and my uncle’s family are co-owners and operators of our family farm, Grand View Dairy Farm Inc. We have a milking herd of 1,400 dairy animals and crop 2,250 acres of land. My great-grandfather purchased the family farm in 1917. My grandfather took over the family farm in 1955. In 1992, Grand View Dairy Farm Inc. was formed. My dad and uncle are currently the third generation on the family farm. 

Why did you join FFA? I joined FFA because of my older brothers. I watched them as they participated in FFA, and I liked seeing what they were doing. They attended chapter events and leadership workshops and were able to travel throughout the nation. When it was possible, I participated with them. I remember one year, the FFA had a float in the Brillion Parade and the ag teacher gave me an FFA T-shirt to wear on the float. I was so ecstatic to have an FFA shirt just like my brothers.

What is your role in the chapter? I have been a member of the FFA since I was in seventh grade. I have served as an FFA officer since my sophomore year in high school. I have also served as a committee chair for our chapter’s fruit sale fundraiser and community service bingo night. This year, we have a four-member officer team. Being a small team, we all work together to plan and carry out the chapter’s meetings, activities and events.

What FFA contests do you compete in? I have competed in several FFA contests. In middle school, I was on the FFA quiz bowl team. As a freshman in high school, I was on the poultry evaluation judging team. Our team won the state competition, and we competed at the National FFA Convention placing silver. As a sophomore and junior, I competed in the extemporaneous speaking contest, and I plan to compete in it as a senior as well.

What do you look forward to most in the upcoming FFA year? This coming FFA year, I look forward to rebuilding our FFA chapter. Our chapter is in a transition phase. I look forward to getting students involved in our chapter by sharing what opportunities FFA has to offer and the experiences that I have had in FFA.

How has FFA shaped you as a person? FFA has shaped me as a person through the opportunities I participated in. By participating in career and leadership development events, leadership conferences and state and national conventions, I have learned about the diversity of agriculture, how to be a leader and how to network with people throughout the nation.

What are your duties on the farm? I am very fortunate to learn and experience different duties on the farm. I get to help out wherever needed. I help with working land, planting crops, cutting hay, packing haylage and corn silage, covering feed piles, equipment maintenance and lawn care.

What are your future plans? My future plans are to be part of the agriculture industry. After high school, I plan on going to college to major in agribusiness.


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