Averbeck Blog 34


The support of our community for our livestock at our county fair’s livestock auction is truly amazing. The local businesses that come out and bid on youth projects and purchase the animals is over the top. Our market livestock project has over 100 pigs, goats, sheep and steers. From the first animal that walks through the ring to the very last, the support stays strong from the community.

The volunteers who pull this auction together have a tough job each and every year. Organizing this event to allow the youth to showcase their animals and learn some very valuable life lessons is no small task. And let’s not forget the youth themselves who put in many hours feeding, walking and caring for their animals; that is equally amazing. Just watching the energy level around the barns as they pitch in all week to help each other is like no other organization I’ve been involved in. They are learning valuable lessons and making friends they will carry with them their whole lives.

I know firsthand because most of my favorite childhood memories involve the county fair one way or the other. It is one exhausting week, and for some reason, which I haven’t quite pinpointed yet, one of the highlights of summer.

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