How long does it take to get settled into a new house? It’s not quite a week since we officially moved in, and we still have stuff scattered everywhere. I feel like we’ve been roughing it the last couple days, eating frozen pizzas off of paper plates. I typically didn’t make a gourmet meal every day, but I did make an effort to make homemade meals more often than I made frozen pizzas. Part of the problem is trying to move in between milking and daily farm chores. I just get a good start on packing and moving, and then it’s time for milking again. Note to self – if I ever move again, which I hope isn’t for a very, very long time – hire extra help for chores. Or an even better lesson – don’t keep so much stuff. If it hasn’t been used in the last year, it probably isn’t going to get used in the next year. And the shirt that I was saving because I might just wear it, is finding a new home. Goodwill will know me by name by the time I get done with this project. Wish me luck as I continue our big move!
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