Princess Kay Finalist

Sharing the message of dairy

Moline vies for Princess Kay of the Milky Way


ST. PETER, Minn. — When Mackenzie Moline started working at a local dairy farm, she did not realize the impact it would have on her life.

Moline’s older sister, Makayla, had been working and leasing animals at Annexstad Dairy Farms Inc. to show at the county fair for several years before Moline started working at the farm as well. Annexstad Dairy Farms Inc. is owned by Mike, Rolf and Jean Annexstad. The family milks 185 cows near St. Peter.

“I always watched Makayla and would go with her to the farm, where I got to see a lot of the behind-the-scenes workings of the dairy farm,” Moline said. “I ended up working in the calf barn and fell in love with it.”

Moline goes to work at the calf barn a few mornings before school to feed and bed the calves.

“The care that dairy farmers give to their animals is so special,” Moline said. “Walking into the calf barn, you can feel the love. It makes it fun to go to work each morning.”

Throughout her reign as a finalist for Princess Kay of the Milky Way, Moline’s main message will be the 13 essential vitamins and minerals found in dairy products.

“Even if you are lactose intolerant, there are dairy products out there for you,” Moline said. “I have been trying to spread the message of what those products are and how you can still incorporate dairy into your diet.”

Moline will use her background of working on a dairy farm and her experience with an eating disorder to make an impact on people’s lives by sharing how nutritious dairy products are.

“I have learned how crucial dairy is in our diet and will use that knowledge with my career,” Moline said. “It goes with my love for the dairy industry.”

This fall, Moline will attend Minnesota State University to become a dietitian. During her battle with an eating disorder, Moline worked closely with a dietitian and focused on nutritious foods. She became inspired and is now speaking out and sharing her story with others.

“I decided after battling that, I want to help other people, too,” Moline said. “Dairy is extremely important for you.”

After encouragement from Makayla, the Moline sisters ran together for Nicollet County Dairy Princess. Moline chose to continue by competing to be a Princess Kay of the Milky Way finalist.

“I have always looked up to Makayla,” Moline said. “This year, she asked if I would run with her. Leading up to May Event, I just wanted to do the best I could — and I did. It was a dream of mine to become a finalist.”

This summer, Moline is looking forward to getting to know the other finalists, attending the Minnesota State Fair and advocating for the dairy industry. So far, classroom and library visits have been her favorite appearances as a finalist for Princess Kay of the Milky Way.

“I loved doing the classroom visits and explaining how sustainable farmers are and the care they take with their animals,” Moline said. “Sharing the positive message of dairy with today’s youth is huge, and when they hear these things from a young age, they have a stronger understanding of what we are talking about.”

An avid cheese-lover, Moline said she learns something new every day and looks forward to sharing her experiences with others.

“Dairy is such a huge part of daily nutrition, and I would love to keep sharing the message of dairy,” Moline said.


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