PDP 2024 Water Tours


The PDP 2024 Water Tours will be held on Tues., Sept. 10, with the tour bus departing from the River Hills Park & Ride at 9:15 a.m. and returning by 4:00 p.m. The tours are a collaborative effort between Professional Dairy Producers®, UW Discovery Farms®, Wisconsin Counties Association and Wisconsin Towns Association.

Departing from WisDOT Park & Rid 40-85, Brown Deer Rd. E, River Hills, Wis., the bus will take participants to tour stops at:

—Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District to see how more than 640 million gallons of wastewater is treated each day. It is also one of the first facilities in the world to produce Milorganite® fertilizer, a byproduct of the water reclamation process.

—Roden Echo Valley, LLC, a family-run dairy farm located just outside West Bend, Wis., which features water conservation, management and recycling processes. The Roden Family manages their land with waterways, grass buffer strips and no-till cover crops. The milk production process uses water twice – through a plate cooler to quickly drop the milk’s temperature, and for livestock drinking water or cleaning facilities.


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