Kids Corner: The The Adelmeyer family


Elodie Adelmeyer
6 years old
First grade

When do you do chores? Every night.

What’s your favorite chore and least favorite chore? My favorite chore is feeding calves. My least favorite chore is sorting calves and when they don’t go into the headlocks.

What project (besides daily chores) do you enjoy helping your parents with on the farm? Chopping corn silage.

What is a fun memory you have of living on the farm? We have a little robot to clean the barn, and one time, Daddy let me ride on it.

What’s your favorite animal on your farm? The kittens and Oreo the cow. I named Oreo when she was a day old. She’s very special.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A farmer.

If you had a farm, describe what it would look like. I would have two farms. One would have pigs, and one would have cows. I would also have a medium-sized chicken coop.

What’s your favorite game to play on the farm? Riding bikes.

What’s your favorite meal that your mom or dad makes? Pancakes for breakfast, spaghetti for lunch and macaroni for dinner.

What is your favorite thing to do off the farm with your family? Go for a nature hike.

Abe Adelmeyer
3 years old

When do you do chores? Every morning.

What’s your favorite chore and least favorite chore? My favorite chore is riding in the semi. My least favorite chore is when I’m feeding the calves and they suck on me.

What project (besides daily chores) do you enjoy helping your parents with on the farm? Helping Dad with field work.

What is a fun memory you have of living on the farm? Working with Daddy and riding in tractors and semis.

What’s your favorite animal on your farm? Pepper the cow. She’s really pretty. She looks like salt and pepper. I also like Bell the cow. She is speckly too.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A farmer.

If you had a farm, describe what it would look like. I would have pigs and cows and lots of chickens. I would also have tractors, choppers and lots of machines.

What’s your favorite game to play on the farm? I Spy.

What’s your favorite meal that your mom or dad makes? Pizza.

What is your favorite thing to do off the farm with your family? Camping and going to Costco.


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