Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Dairy Team monthly webinar


The Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Dairy Team monthly webinar series continues Wednesday, Aug. 21, from noon to 1 p.m.

Amber Friedrichsen with Hay & Forage Grower will give an overview of alfalfa growing conditions, harvest conditions, and forage test results so far this year. She will discuss how rainfall, temperatures, and pest management have affected alfalfa yield and quality throughout the growing season and summarize accounts from area farmers, custom forage harvesters, and forage consultants.

Producers, dairy consultants, and industry representatives are encouraged to attend the free webinar from noon to 1 p.m. on Aug. 21 by registering at least one hour prior to the webinar.

For more information, contact the ISU Extension and Outreach Dairy Specialist in your area: in Northwest Iowa, Fred M. Hall, 712-737-4230 or [email protected]; in Northeast Iowa, Jennifer Bentley, 563-382-2949 or [email protected]; in East Central Iowa, Larry Tranel, 563-583-6496 or [email protected]; in Ames, Dr. Gail Carpenter, 515-294-9085 or [email protected].


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