Four-State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference


Learn the latest information in dairy nutrition and management by attending the Four-State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference June 5-6 at the Grand River Center in Dubuque, Iowa. 

This conference will feature the latest information to improve productivity and profit.

“Dairy farmers and the industry can expect two days of timely topics and discussion,” said Larry Tranel, a dairy specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach and a member of the planning committee. “This is a great opportunity to learn more about topics ranging from dairy nutrition to reproduction, and to network with others in the industry.”  

The Balchem chemical company will present a pre-conference symposium focusing on amino acid nutrition. Mark Hanigan, Virginia Tech, will cover amino bioavailability. Alex Hristov, Penn State University, will talk about histamine as a limiting amino acid, and Chan Lee, Ohio State University, will be discussing cow response to lysine. Jose Santos, Florida State University, will help participants learn about amino acid balancing for early lactation cows.

Speakers include Michigan State’s Mike VandeHaar, discussing feeding and managing cows for high production and health. Bill Weiss, Ohio State University, will talk about feeding to reach higher peaks, and Jose Santos will talk about feeding to prevent mineral related diseases in early lactation.

The other general session includes Rick Grant, Miner Institute, who will discuss the optimum ratio of corn silage and alfalfa-to-grass in dairy diets. Alex Hristiv will cover how feeding strategies can reduce the carbon footprint of milk, and Luiz Ferraretto, University of Wisconsin, will talk about how different forage physical and chemical characteristics influence ration performance.

Select breakout topics include:

— Balancing for milk protein and butterfat in lactation diets.

— Understanding ketosis: Beyond the norm, before the storm.

— Feeding strategically throughout lactation to promote milk and health.

— Overcrowding and response to the formulated ration.

— Impact of dry matter intake during the transition period on uterine health and fertility.

— Fatty acid supplementation strategies for early lactation cows.

— Optimizing IVP embryo transfer in dairy herds.

— Strategies to improve heifer reproductive performance and reduce heifer rearing costs.

Perdue Animal Nutrition’s post-conference symposium includes Geoffrey Zanton, USDA Dairy Forage Research Center, talking about the latest research in dairy cows’ response to protein and amino acid supplementation. Kein Harvatine, Penn State University, will discuss the importance of de novo fatty acids in driving milk fat synthesis, and Adam Lock, Michigan State University, will provide insight into the importance of preformed fatty acids in driving milk fat synthesis. 

In addition to the educational program, there is a trade show with over 40 companies exhibiting their latest products, evening receptions and plenty of time to network with other participants. Continuing Education Units are available. 

This conference is a collaborative effort of Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, University of Illinois Extension, University of Minnesota Extension and University of Wisconsin-Extension.

Walk-in registration is accepted. Register at

For more information, contact in northwest Iowa, Fred M. Hall, 712-737-4230 or [email protected]; in northeast Iowa, Jennifer Bentley, 563-382-2949 or [email protected]; in east central Iowa, Larry Tranel, 563-583-6496 or [email protected]; in Ames, Gail Carpenter, 515-294-9085 or [email protected].


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