Finding joy in the new year


Happy New Year.

This past year was one of gratitude, new beginnings and embracing challenges.

Reflecting on the past 12 months, it is truly remarkable how much can happen in just one year. From completing my first year of college, getting my first internship, walking out of the show ring for the last time as a 4-H member, and achieving lifelong dreams, I am beyond grateful for the memories, friendships and accomplishments I carry with me into this new year.

In just five short months, my time as Princess Kay has already been a whirlwind of excitement, accomplishments, and learning experiences. From being crowned at the Minnesota State Fair and having my likeness sculpted in butter to visiting schools and attending events, every moment has been unforgettable. While the Minnesota winter got in the way of attending a couple of events in December, I managed to beat the snow for an elementary school visit that left a lasting impression.

On Dec. 19, I visited three kindergarten classes at Royal Oaks Elementary School in Woodbury, Minnesota. All three of these classes have been participating in the Adopt A Cow program through Discover Dairy and have a picture of their calf taped on the classroom wall. Many of the students had never been on a farm before, but their eagerness to learn was contagious. Through reading a story, going on a virtual farm tour and sharing photos from the farm where I work, the students discovered how cows are cared for and how milk travels from the farm to the store. Seeing their faces light up as they eagerly asked questions was one of the most rewarding moments of the day. Equally as memorable, was leaving there knowing that I learned something from each of them.

Throughout high school, I spent summers babysitting and always admired the curiosity and innocence that kids possess. As I grow older, I continue to discover how much we can learn from their perspective. Leaving my visit with the kindergarten classes, I reflected on how these students approached the day with no fear of being wrong. They confidently asked questions, embraced new information and displayed an unfiltered enthusiasm for learning.

As we step into the new year, I think we can all take inspiration from these 5- and 6-year-olds. Whether it’s approaching new experiences with an open mind, looking at each day as another opportunity to learn, or asking questions without the fear of judgment holding us back, we can all benefit from embracing the curiosity within us. Looking ahead to the rest of 2025, I’m especially excited for more school visits and the questions that students have about where their food comes from and how farmers care for their animals. I cannot wait to continue sharing the story of Minnesota’s dairy community and the passion I have for being a part of it.

It is with this goal and passion in mind that I have made my goals for this new year. Sometimes, New Year’s resolutions can feel overwhelming, but this year, I’m keeping it simple: to find joy in everything I do and learn something new from every experience. Whether at a Princess Kay event or not, I will strive to learn from those around me and soak up every moment. I remain endlessly grateful to all of you, Minnesota’s dairy farmers, who make this incredible opportunity possible.

As I travel across the state as Princess Kay in 2025, I will continue seeking joy, learning from every experience, and sharing the dedication of our dairy community with everyone I meet.

Together, let’s make this year one of curiosity, gratitude and growth. My calendar is continuing to fill up for school visits this spring and June dairy month appearances. Here is the link to submit Princess Kay requests throughout the year:

Princess Kay of the Milky Way, Rachel Visser, serves as the Minnesota dairy community’s goodwill ambassador. Rachel grew up in Hutchinson, Minnesota working on a neighboring dairy farm. She attends the University of Minnesota double majoring in Agricultural Food and Business Management and Agricultural Communications and Marketing. Her favorite dairy food is cheese sticks. Her parents are Barry and Shannon Visser. Princess Kay is very active doing school visits and events representing dairy farmers, and sharing the importance of dairy farming and dairy foods at appearances across Minnesota.

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