Tell us about your farm and family. Our family farm is Stormdale Holsteins and Cattle Sales. We milk 70-80 cows. The majority are fresh Holsteins heifers; the others are registered Holsteins and Jerseys. We operate a cattle sales business, where we sell fresh Holstein 2-year-olds to dairies for replacements. I also have my own show pig operation, consisting of seven sows, purebred breeds and crossbreeds. I sell piglets to local 4-H and FFA members for show projects at local and state level fairs.
Why did you join FFA? I joined FFA to help others in my community learn about livestock, farming and the importance of agriculture. I am also involved in dairy and livestock showing and wanted to display my animals and abilities at local, state and national shows.
What is your role in the chapter? I am serving as the chapter president. I oversee the organization, run meetings, serve on committees and participate in many contests, conferences and activities.
What FFA contests do you compete in? I compete in the dairy and livestock evaluation Career Development Events. I also compete in the employment skills Leadership Development Event.
What do you look forward to most in the upcoming FFA year? I look forward to the livestock judging contest and Food for America. At Food for America, we invite Riverdale fourth-grade students to my farm and the school farm to learn about FFA and agriculture. We tour the farm, and other FFA members bring their projects to talk about. The entire event is put on by our members.
How has FFA shaped you as a person? FFA has made me the leader I am today. As president, I am asked to speak in front of large groups, explain events and activities, and conduct business meetings. My communication and organizational skills are constantly evolving. I also served as vice president and sentinel and have gained many leadership skills to get me to where I am today. Through FFA, I have also gained a better understanding of agriculture and how diversified it is. FFA has given me connections and friendships throughout the nation.
What are your duties on the farm? I help with the daily chores, including milking, feeding calves and heifers, cleaning lots, bedding and feeding. I also buy replacement heifers at local sales and assist with recordkeeping and sales. I’m solely responsible for the care of my pigs.
What are your future plans? Next fall, I plan to attend a technical college to study agriculture business and animal science. After graduation, I want to return to the family farm and continue a livestock dealer business in addition to building my pig operation.
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