Farmland leasing and management workshops


Iowa State University Extension and Outreach will host numerous farmland leasing and management workshops across the state in July and August, beginning July 29 in Waterloo and continuing through Aug. 28 in Keokuk County.

The annual meeting series is offered to address questions that landowners, tenants or other interested individuals have about leasing farmland. Topics will include land values and cash rent trends, cost of production, methods for determining a fair rental rate, legislative updates regarding leases, including conservation in farmland lease arrangements, and communicating with tenants or landlords.

More than half of Iowa’s farmland is rented, and strong landowner/tenant relationships are important for the long-term viability of Iowa’s valuable farmland. While the trend in rental rates is fairly steady, individual agreements vary. There are many aspects to farmland management beyond lease rates. Attending a workshop is a great way to learn more or ask questions on specific aspects of farm ownership and lease arrangements.

Each workshop is designed to assist landowners, farm tenants and other agribusiness professionals with current issues related to farmland ownership, management and leasing arrangements. Attendees will gain a better understanding of current cash rental rate surveys and factors driving next year’s rents such as market trends and input costs. Contact Ann M. Johanns, extension program specialist, 515-337-2766, [email protected] for more information. 


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