Three, two, one. Like the countdown on Dec. 31 each year, people count down the days until they say, “New year, new me.” Growing up, my family never did anything big for the New Year, so I did not understand what the hype was all about.
Our New Year tradition was simple: sitting at home drinking sparking grape juice and taking turns falling asleep until midnight. After we counted down from 10, watched the ball drop and let out a little cheer, the TV would go black. We would then race to bed because we still had to wake up in the morning to do chores.
I have never been the type for New Year’s resolutions. The years I did make them I fell in line with the 80% or so who fail by February. Making a change to my daily routine or breaking a habit, whether it was a resolution or not, was never my strong suit.
Honestly, I think there is no perfect time to make a change in your life. If there is something to aim for or a goal to try and achieve, the perfect time is now. Most of the time, it is a matter of trial and error.
Dairy farmers know this better than anyone. Any given day can begin like every other: ordinary and according to schedule. However, it can quickly turn into a race to get the cattle back in their pens, fix a fence, repair water lines or drive an all-terrain vehicle loaded with tools to the field.
Change is inevitable. It is going to happen whether you plan for it or if Mother Nature takes care of that for you. Growing up on the farm, I learned it is a lot easier to hop on and ride it out than to try to stop change from happening.
There have been many times when I found change to be unenjoyable and hard to get through. But with my many late-night talks with my mom, I became a strong believer in a quote made by John Mayer, “Someday, everything will make perfect sense. So, for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, be strong and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.”
For some, change is awkward and uncomfortable. I have found my attitude towards it largely dictates how smoothly it goes. Thankfully, I have had my mom, who never once failed to be there when I needed her.
I honestly enjoy change most of the time because I like trying new things and getting to meet new people along the way. I have made some great acquittances and owe it all to taking a risk on change.
Change can be a positive thing. Through time, perseverance or determination there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel. It may be dim, but it is there and there is only one way to find out what is on the other side.
Life is a game of chance. Yes people can make choices, but they can only control so much. They cannot control what others do or how Mother Nature acts and there are no do-overs. One thing we can do is work toward preparing ourselves for change and becoming the best versions of ourselves.
So, while change is difficult and unenjoyable at times, it is important to remember to find that light at the end of the tunnel. Trust what is given to you, believe in the work you put in and discover what is new. Discover what is out there, take a risk and find the beauty in something new.
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