Tim Zweber

Quite the weather

“Quite the weather we’re having,” is a popular phrase in our family this winter season. Then again, what winter season in the Upper Midwest isn’t it a popular phrase? Some …

New year? No sweat

It’s a new year, so I will need to constantly remind myself not to accidentally write 2024 when dating checks and signing documents for the next couple of months. I hope that your holiday …

Treasure hunting

I listened to a book recently about an eccentric art dealer who thought he was going to die of cancer. So, he put together a chest full of treasures like gold coins and precious stones and hid it in …

Wide loads

My boys and I went on a short road trip recently, leaving after evening milking and driving all night to get to the Red River Gorge in Kentucky to do some rock climbing and camping behind the famous …

The most interesting grass-fed farmer

In the Midwest, it’s well known that most people are polite. If they see something odd or something they don’t like, they won’t say how they feel about it. They’ll just say, …

Fowl, pox and fairs

It’s county fair season and farm kids around the state are showing off the projects and animals they’ve spent many hours working with. Our children and the families that lease cattle from …

Rain rain go away

Three years of rain, then three years of drought, and now back to nonstop rain. If there is such a thing as a “normal” year, we haven’t even had anything close to the middle of the …

Errands with friends

I heard a story on a radio station about running errands with friends as a way to connect when life is so busy. I think it was related to new mothers, but it reminded me of one of my favorite parts …

Wedding season

It’s wedding season. I honestly have no idea if there’s actually a defined best time for weddings when you’d be most likely invited to attend one. I was going to Google it when my …

Paying farm kids

Last month, I told you all about my ongoing foray into the world of finances, taxes and accounting. Tonight, as I sat down at our desk to write up this month’s story, in front of the keyboard …

Learning new things

I will never tire of learning new things. Maybe that’s not surprising as I think, all people are naturally curious. In college, there was a saying the professors and every motivational speaker …

The beauty of redundancy

The beauty of redundancy lies well in line with how I prefer to labor. Given the choice, that means I labor as little and as leisurely as possible to achieve my goal. To be able to carry on and say, …

Those jobs

There is a lot of time to listen to music, podcasts and audiobooks while doing fieldwork and running skid loaders to take care of the cows.

End-of-year planning

Every December, it’s time to send the books off to our accountant and find out whether we need to make some investments in feed, facilities or equipment to avoid giving the government more …

Steers in the road

“Better slow down a bit. There are cattle on both sides of the road,” I told my brother after we rumbled over a cattle guard and continued down a stretch of paved road in the desert while …

Not World Dairy Expo bound

Emily and I used to go to World Dairy Expo every year to wander around, chatting with friends, looking at equipment and admiring beautiful dairy cattle. The road trip to Madison, Wisconsin, was also …

The roof fell off

I love this time of year. It’s time to put up some hay.

So many babies

March and April are busy months around here when it comes to calving. We like to take vacations in January and February, and we don’t like fresh cows with frostbit teats.

Some days are like that

My parents recently went on a short trip to Florida with my two sisters’ families. Our young nephews and niece aren’t really the right ages to join the kind of trips we take our teen kids on, so they do their own trip to a kid friendly beach in Florida.

Turning 40 with a Colombian vacation

Last month, I left you guessing what mountainous, warm, Spanish-speaking place we’d be visiting with dairy farms.

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