Ramblings from the Ridge



Questions. Questions. Every day.

Some come at me from every which way

They make my head spin and spin

Which answer to give to win?

Life is full of them, at all ages

Out of many mouths, at many stages

“Mom? Do you hear me?”

“Mommm!? Oh, can we?”

My children pepper me with asks

After giving them a list of tasks

“Why do I have to? Why doesn’t he?”

Uffda, how challenging motherhood can be

“Can I go here? Can I do that?”

“Only after Pa and I have a chat”

A big sigh out and a deep breath in

I turn around and sneak a grin

I ask myself plenty as well

“I have some ideas; who can I tell?”

“What would Mom say to this new thing?”

“What greatness could this bring?”

They often spiral out of control

Like running along the edge of a bowl

“Am I doing this mom job right?”

“Why do parents and children fight?”

“Am I doing enough for those in my life?”

“Am I a good sister, friend, daughter, wife?”

“Should I use my energy on this or on that?”

“Do I make time for an impromptu chat?”

On certain questions I definitely dwell

Such as: “Am I feeding them well?”

“Do I work kids too hard or let them off easy?”

“Am I too blunt? Are my poems too cheesy?”

Every day is filled with questions

Say them out loud and get many suggestions

I let them fill my head until they shout

I guess perhaps they needed let out

“Will this be worth it at the end of the day?”

Sometimes trying is the only way

“Quality or quantity?” This one applies a lot

“Are you thankful for what you’ve got?”

I hope your questions are not making you dizzy

Take a deep breath, don’t be in a tizzy

We all have deep, heavy thoughts inside

Hold on tight, enjoy life’s ride

Jacqui Davison and her family milk 800 cows and farm 1,200 acres in northeastern Vernon County, Wisconsin. Her children, Ira, Dane, Henry and Cora, help on the farm while her husband, Keith, works on a grain farm. If she’s not in the barn, she’s probably in the kitchen, trailing after little ones or sharing her passion of reading with someone. Her life is best described as organized chaos, and if it wasn’t, she’d be bored.

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