Tell us about your farm and family. I live and work on my family’s fourth-generation dairy farm. We milk 200 Holstein cows with four Lely robotic milking units and farm about 1,300 acres. My father and my two older siblings work full time on the farm. My mom is a bookkeeper, and my younger sister and I are both in school yet but help on the farm too. We have an on-farm store where we sell homegrown beef, pork, cheese, eggs, spices and maple syrup.
Why did you join FFA? I wanted to be in a club with people who enjoyed agriculture as much as I do, and I heard it was a lot of fun. My parents and agricultural teacher encouraged me to join.
What is your role in the chapter? I am a chapter member.
What FFA contests do you compete in? I competed in the FFA Creed contest and took first place at districts. I am also a member of the dairy judging team.
What do you look forward to most in the upcoming FFA year? I look forward to participating in more activities and being more involved in speaking and judging contests.
How has FFA shaped you as a person? A big thing that helped shape me was participating in the FFA Creed contest. I grew in my speaking skills and self-confidence. Joining FFA gave me the nudge I needed to expand my involvement in agriculture.
What are your duties on the farm? When I get home from school, I work in the barn cleaning stalls and help wherever needed. I also have horses and goats to take care of.
What are your future plans? I’m in my freshman year, so I have a bit of time to figure things out. Right now, I’m leaning toward a dairy nutritionist or large animal veterinarian technician.
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