Anna Euerle
Wow; I can’t believe I am so close to the end of my reign as the 68th Princess Kay of the Milky Way. It truly seems like it just started, as cliche as that may sound. This past year has been so much more than I could have ever expected, and it has truly changed my life for the better.
To begin my reign with Linda Christensen’s final butter sculpture being placed in my freezer certainly kicked off the year well. It was also special to welcome sculptor Gerry Kulzer into the butter booth. I know Litchfield is so proud of both of us.
The Minnesota State Fair was a dream. I spent time with the women I grew close to throughout judging, visited with fairgoers and, of course, made memories that will last a lifetime even if that means a long walk back to the Dairy Building in the rain.
I spent time in classrooms across the state with some of the most inquisitive students following me through a 360-degree tour of a dairy farm in Minnesota. I’ll never forget their smiles and the resounding “Awe” each time we would see calves throughout the tour. Even though I was nervous about classroom visits at first, the students always made it so easy to enjoy, and they always had a list of very detailed questions for me at the end of my presentation.
Another item on the highlight reel from my year is the entire month of June. From beginning to end, it was hectic but phenomenal. In just that month alone, I traveled more than 3,000 miles and joined so many people at events centered around celebrating Minnesota’s dairy farmers. From a very humble second place in the Curd Fest milking contest to selecting the next polka song to be aired while co-hosting a radio show, and then seeing some of the most outstanding dairy farms across Minnesota, I was constantly reminded of how blessed I am to be Princess Kay.
We will soon be crowning the 69th Princess Kay of the Milky Way, and while I’m sad to see this experience end, I am so excited for another young woman to have the opportunities I had.
To all of the Princess Kay finalists, county dairy princesses and young girls aspiring to be a dairy princess one day: When you find what you are passionate about, advocacy comes easily. Continue to be advocates for the dairy community, with or without your crown and sash. You never know when you’ll have the opportunity to share something life changing with the individuals around you. These experiences are truly like no other, and even if your journey is just starting, always soak up each moment.
I wouldn’t be able to give such great advice without a strong network of people behind me as well, and I have so many to thank for helping get to where I am today and for supporting me over the last year.
Being Meeker County’s first Princess Kay is an honor, and everyone is always so excited to hear about my latest adventures. I have a wonderful county to call home. I had a variety of mentors throughout my judging process and throughout my reign. They have all helped guide me through not only my Princess Kay journey, but also my professional life. I’m always flattered when I am pointed out as Princess Kay of the Milky Way in unsuspecting places, like a cow show, workplaces or even the grocery store. It means so much to me that everyone is so invested in my role.
Finally, thank you to my parents and family. They have been my biggest fan club this past year and have always kept up with my travels. Being able to share this year with them has been the best gift. I couldn’t have done any of this without them and the sacrifices they make for me.
To Minnesota’s dairy farmers, thank you. Thank you for supporting this program and always being so kind and welcoming to me throughout the year. Though my reign will soon be over, I will forever continue to advocate for the dairy community well into the future. Thank you for allowing me to represent the dairy community I love.
Princess Kay of the Milky Way Anna Euerle serves as the Minnesota dairy community’s goodwill ambassador. Princess Kay is very active doing school visits, representing dairy farmers at the Fuel Up To Play 60 activities in conjunction with the Minnesota Vikings, and sharing the importance of dairy farming and dairy foods at appearances across Minnesota.
Euerle grew up in Litchfield, Minnesota, working on her family’s dairy farm. She will soon graduate from Ridgewater College in Agribusiness with a dairy emphasis. In her free time she enjoys cooking, baking and being outdoors.
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