ETTRICK, Wis. — From the time he was an eighth grader attending his first state FFA convention, Jescey Thompson has been enamored with the organization. He knew he wanted to further his FFA involvement, and, after suffering a sports-related injury, decided to devote his energy in pursuit of the organization’s blue jacket.
Thompson served as the state reporter last year and was elected as president at this year’s state convention which took place June 10-13 at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison.
“I’ve looked up to every single state officer that was before me,” Thompson said. “That was incredible to be looking up to them and what they were doing for the association. And now to be a state officer, it’s still kind of crazy to me.”
Last year as the section three state officer and state reporter, Thompson represented all the schools in his section and also led the association in many social media and marketing efforts. He put 40,000 miles on his car visiting chapters, attending events and banquets and supporting his team members throughout the year.
Thompson said he is excited to bring his experience to the new team and to guide fellow officers in facilitating workshops or providing support on chapter visits as needed.
“I’ve already experienced that role as sectional officer so I’m looking at what I can bring to the table to help my teammates and the association to expand upon the progress that the last team made,” Thompson said. “It’s about seeing opportunities for potential and being there for guidance when needed.”
Thompson grew up showing dairy cattle and still owns a show string which he houses at his home farm and a nearby dairy farm. He has been showing Brown Swiss dairy cattle since middle school and discovered his love of advocacy while showing at the state fair. He said the disconnect he saw between the people living in the city and where their food comes from ignited a passion for educating consumers about agriculture.
This year as president he will return to the state fair to work in the Compeer Financial Discovery Barnyard. There are model farm animals the attendees can reference while learning from discussions with Thompson and the other state officers. They will get to teach the public about everything from dairy products to pollination.
“I love it,” Thompson said. “It’s one of the highlights from when I was younger, getting to show at state fair. But also now as a state officer, it is so fun just to get to talk to people and share knowledge and advocate for agriculture. ... The days get long but it’s such a blessing to be able to talk to people.”
Thompson has just finished his freshman year as an online student at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. He is pursuing a degree in agriculture communications and political science. He plans to pursue a career in policy and dreams of someday working on the farm bill. He said his experience in FFA has expanded his leadership and speaking abilities.
“I really enjoy talking to people and gauging opinions and advocating for agriculture,” Thompson said. “I’ve had the opportunity to focus on leadership skills and speaking skills and learning more about agriculture to help inform people.”
Thompson said it was a challenge at times to balance his involvement with FFA and remain a good student. With each opportunity came a responsibility to manage his time and prioritize duties. Thompson said the beauty of FFA is that participants can be as involved as they want with the many opportunities FFA has.
Thompson credits his high school advisors, Mr. Haake and Mr. Nelson, for providing opportunities and support. He competed in various leadership development events like creed speaking and extemporaneous public speaking as well as continuing his showing career with his Brown Swiss cattle.
The opportunity to serve a second year only happens for those that are voted as president and the rarity of the role is not lost on Thompson.
“Last year was just incredible and filled with great experiences connecting with thousands of members and watching them receive awards or visiting their chapters was just an honor,” Thompson said. “To take a step forward and serve another year is an even greater honor. It’s been such a beautiful journey.”
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