Kids Corner: The Asmus Family


Sam Asmus
15 years old
10th grade

When do you do chores? I usually don’t because I’m so busy with my extracurricular activities.

What is your favorite and least favorite chore? My favorite is fetching cows. My least favorite is feeding corn.

What project do you enjoy helping your parents with on the farm? Swathing the hay.

Tell us a fun memory you have of living on the farm. Shooting pigeons.

What is your favorite animal on your farm? My favorite is my cow, Parisa. I showed her at the fair four years ago.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Game warden.

If you had a farm, describe what it would look like. It would look like a hobby farm.

What is your favorite game to play on the farm? Playing catch with a football.

What is your favorite meal that your mom or dad makes? Hamburgers with bacon.

What is your favorite thing to do off the farm with your family? Going on vacation.

Are you involved in activities? I’m involved in football, basketball, track, golf, trapshooting, band, jazz band, pep band, choir, knowledge bowl, 4-H, one-act play and speech.

Emma Asmus
13 years old
Seventh grade

When do you do chores? At night with my mom or whenever I’m around.

What is your favorite and least favorite chore? My favorite is fetching cows, and my least favorite is shoveling old soybeans out of the barn.

What project do you enjoy helping your parents with on the farm? I like mowing the lawn.

Tell us a fun memory you have of living on the farm. Whenever we climb to the top of our 55,000-bushel grain bin.

What is your favorite animal on your farm? Cookie, our office cat, is my favorite. She was hurt as a kitten so now she walks silly.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A nurse.

If you had a farm, describe what it would look like. It would look like ours.

What is your favorite game to play on the farm? Climbing trees.

What is your favorite meal that your mom or dad makes? Steak.

What is your favorite thing to do off the farm with your family? Going to the Boundary Waters.

Are you involved in activities? I’m involved in volleyball, basketball, track, band, choir, one-act play, knowledge bowl, speech and 4-H, and I’m a Todd County dairy junior ambassador.

Isabella Asmus
11 years old
Fifth grade

When do you do chores? I do them at night with my mom.

What is your favorite and least favorite chore? My favorite is feeding calves, and my least favorite is moving calves.

What project do you enjoy helping your parents with on the farm? I liked helping my grandma in her garden.

Tell us a fun memory you have of living on the farm. When we find newborn kittens. Sometimes, our cats would have them in our office cupboard.

What is your favorite animal on your farm? Our Jerseys. We mostly have Holsteins, but we have a handful of Jerseys who love attention.

What do you want to be when you grow up? At this moment, a vet.

If you had a farm, describe what it would look like. Similar to ours.

What is your favorite game to play on the farm? The game dead man on the trampoline.

What is your favorite meal that your mom or dad makes? Spaghetti hot dish.

What is your favorite thing to do off the farm with your family? Go on vacations.

Jackson Asmus
9 years old
Third grade

When do you do chores? I do chores with my mom whenever she goes.

What is your favorite and least favorite chore? My favorite chore is feeding and petting the cows. My least favorite chore is helping with getting newborn babies.

What project do you enjoy helping your parents with on the farm? I like to help Grandpa fix the tractors.

Tell us a fun memory you have of living on the farm. A fun memory I have is when Paris, our Jersey, hugged my sister, Izzy, when she was petting her.

What is your favorite animal on your farm? My favorite animal on the farm is Paris because she is friendly.

What do you want to be when you grow up? An NFL player.

If you had a farm, describe what it would look like. I would want it to look similar to our farm now. I want it to have a house, a garage and lots of places for cows.

What is your favorite game to play on the farm? I like to play 500. It’s a game where you throw a football and try to catch it for points.

What is your favorite meal your mom or dad makes? Spaghetti hot dish.

What is your favorite thing to do off the farm with your family? I like going on vacations and playing catch with dad.

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