FFA Member Profile: Emily Mueller, Vice President


Tell us about your farm and family. My parents, Nicholas and Stefanie Mueller, and my grandparents, Ann and Marvin Mueller, operate a 630-cow dairy farm. I have three younger brothers and three younger sisters as well as a dog and a cat. We are a big family, but I would not want it any other way.

Why did you join FFA? I joined FFA because my mother was an active member of the Kiel FFA Chapter when she was in high school. As a freshman, I hoped to follow her legacy and become something important to the chapter. Another reason was that my friends at the time had little to no agricultural experience. I wanted to be able to express myself to people who understood my interests and home/work life.

What is your role in the chapter? As vice president, it is my responsibility to look over the other officers and aid when help is needed. From time to time, I chair a committee that works to plan an event or donation. I also must be able to fill in for the president when she is not available.

What FFA contests do you compete in? I am in the Poultry Evaluation Career Development Event along with three others. We work to educate ourselves about poultry parts identification and further processed meat. We also learn how to grade egg exteriors, interiors and carcasses. We competed at the state competition April 25. I was also a member of the Parliamentary Procedure LDE. With six teammates, I learned how to properly hold a business meeting using parliamentary law and debate efficiently.

What do you look forward to most in the upcoming FFA year? As a senior, I cannot wait to see the new officers elected to take up new duties and lead the chapter. I am most proud of our community service events and will be filled with joy to see them continue for many years to come.

How has FFA shaped you as a person? FFA has helped me express my agricultural appreciation and interest tremendously, but I did not expect it to pull me out of my shell as much as it did. Throughout my years participating in events, my communication skills have improved tenfold. Learning, growing and competing with a team of people forced me to work on my ability to think and speak efficiently under pressure. I will be forever thankful for what FFA has taught me and will take this skill with me wherever I go.

What are your duties on the farm? Every weekend, with the help of my siblings, we are responsible for feeding the young heifer calves. I also pregnancy check heifers, dry up cows and assist with barn repairs whenever needed.

What are your future plans? In the fall, I will be attending the University of Wisconsin-Madison for applied math engineering and physics. With my degree in engineering, I hope to find a stable job and home where I can then start a family and a hobby farm.


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