Celebrating throughout National Dairy month


Just like that, June is gone and over, and, wow, did it go fast. My National Dairy Month was filled with many dairy celebrations that have brought me so much fun and many memories. Check out some of my adventures on the road in June.

I had great opportunities to connect with the youth across Minnesota for dairy month. I traveled to BOLD Schools Summer Program in Oliva to visit about dairy farming, and we also made butter. Otter’s Day Camp invited me to join in on their Fun on the Farm theme. About 230 young campers got the fun opportunity of making butter with me or else ice cream with a fellow dairy farmer, Kathy. It was such a great day talking about dairy farming and dairy foods and even discovering our own skills to make tasty and delicious dairy foods. I also joined 4-H members from around the state via Zoom for their June Delicious Dairy Days. I shared a little bit about being Princess Kay, dairy farming and dairy foods before making a fun dairy recipe.

At Gopher Dairy Camp, I spent an evening with wonderful young dairy leaders. Together we enjoyed good conversations, learned about various aspects of dairy with trivia and enjoyed a meal together.

At Farm America’s Taste of the Farm, the Faribault County Dairy Social and Meeker County’s Dinner on the Dairy, there was a lot of great fun, amazing food and conversations. One of my fondest conversations was with a 96-year-old man and his daughter. Together we shared our stories and those special moments on the farm.

Hutchinson Dairy Days and Redhead Creamery’s Curd Fest held a little bit of competition with hand-milking contests. Although I didn’t take home either of the first-place awards, there was so much enjoyment in the encounters I had at these events. Meeting new people and sharing a little bit about dairy always makes my day.

Sibley, Clay and Goodhue counties hosted breakfasts on the farm. Each were such a hit. Each had a wonderful breakfast and lots of activities for the whole family, including farm tours, hay rides, learning how to milk a cow or naming the new calf. I was able to visit with families about life on the dairy farm and being Princess Kay.

June brought me multiple opportunities on various TV stations. With Midwest Dairy holding voting for this year’s Flavor of the Fair, I was able to announce the top three contenders with the news anchors and viewers of both WCCO and Fox 9. While introducing, tasting and reviewing the flavors, we also chatted about my year as Princess Kay and how dedicated our farmers truly are. I also was able to join Twin Cities Live, and, along with the help of Coborn’s, we were able to cook up unique and tasty cheeseburgers, a great summer meal incorporating dairy.

Norman County welcomed me for the Norman County Fair in Ada. I was stationed in the youth education building with Dolly the cow, visiting with all those passing through.

Stopping by Commons on Marice and Brookstone Manor were both fun adventures where I enjoyed visiting with the residents. I was able to share my story on the farm as well as being Princess Kay. It is so rewarding to hear residents’ stories about being on the farm as well, especially over a delicious dairy snack.

The dairy celebrations will continue into July as it is National Ice Cream Month. Ice cream has always been an addition to all of the tiny celebrations in my life. Scoop up your favorite flavor of ice cream to celebrate your time in the barn, in the field or for a refreshing treat to cool down with on a summer day.

Princess Kay of the Milky Way Rachel Rynda serves as the Minnesota dairy community’s goodwill ambassador. Rynda grew up in Montgomery, Minnesota, on her family’s dairy farm. She attends University of Wisconsin-River Falls, studying agriculture business with a minor in dairy science, with plans to assist farmers with their finances. She enjoys participating in sports and singing in church with her dad. 

Princess Kay is active doing school visits, representing dairy farmers at the Fuel Up To Play 60 activities in conjunction with the Minnesota Vikings and sharing the importance of dairy farming and dairy foods at appearances across Minnesota.

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