Blog 42


Holidays are always hectic on the farm.

            We hurry up to get chores finished in time to run to holiday dinner where we enjoy a delicious meal and visit with family.

            Then, we head out early to finish up the chores we didn't get done from the morning just in time to start evening chores.

            This year was no different.

            We finished morning chores and headed to my sister’s for Thanksgiving dinner. I love big family meals, but it doesn't make sense to me to spend three days preparing food for dinner only to gobble it down in 20 minutes. It seems a big meal should last you for a couple of days, but that surely doesn't work that way.

            Even though we were all still stuffed two hours later, we certainly couldn't pass up dessert. I'm a classic pumpkin pie eater while the rest of my crew prefers other options. Garen doesn't like cake or pie but will not say no to ice cream, especially with strawberries. He couldn't wait to share it with his cousin this year. In fact, he is pretty excited to share holidays with his cousin, because until a year and a half ago, Garen was the only boy on that side of the family. They definitely already share a unique bond even though there's an 11-year age gap. They don't let that stop them from keeping us all in stitches. We had many laughs that afternoon and headed home for chores with tummies full and hearts fuller.

            I hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving!

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