Kids Corner: The Olbrichs

Elena Olbrich
12 years old
Seventh grade

When do you do chores? I sometimes sleep in, but other times, I will get up between 7-9 a.m. to do chores. During the school year, I do chores after school at 4 p.m. as well as on weekends.

What is your favorite chore and least favorite chore? My favorite chore is stacking small squares of hay in the hay mow or putting the cover on the silage. My least favorite chore is pitching manure.

What is your favorite animal on your farm? My cow, A-grain. She was my first cow’s daughter, and I’ve shown her ever since she was a baby. She is 6 years old now and scored Excellent 93. She was nominated reserve junior all-American junior 2-year-old my first year showing at Madison and honorable mention junior all-American junior 3-year-old the following year.

What is your favorite subject in school? Math.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A professional sports player – either basketball or softball.

If you had a farm, describe what it would look like. It would be pretty similar to the farm I live on now. I would want Holsteins, a couple Jerseys as well as one or two Guernseys, and I would like to have show cows in the herd.

What is your favorite dairy treat? Ice cream.

What is your favorite part about farm life during the summer? Stacking hay, washing cows and showing cattle at the fairs.

Are you involved in any activities? Softball, basketball, 4-H and track. I am on two softball leagues, and I also take pitching lessons. Softball and basketball are my favorite. I like running, hitting and fielding in softball, and in basketball, I like playing defense.

Bria Olbrich
11 years old
Sixth grade

When do you do chores? In the mornings during summer and after school at 4 p.m. during the school year as well as weekends.

What is your favorite chore and least favorite chore? My favorite chore is stacking hay in the hay mow and feeding baby calves. My least favorite chore is scooping poop.

What is your favorite animal on your farm? Gracie, my Jersey cow. She is a junior 3-year-old this year, and I like showing her. I got her last year when we bought her from a Jersey farm in Illinois during an online sale.

What is your favorite subject in school? Recess.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Basketball coach.

If you had a farm, describe what it would look like. There would be a lot of bunnies, a red barn, a bunch of Guernseys and Jerseys and two Holsteins.

What is your favorite dairy treat? Whole milk.
What is your favorite part about farm life during the summer? Going to the Harvard Milk Days dairy show. Last year, I won the art contest for the Milk Days poster. I am also finishing up my term as the 2021 Little Miss Holstein for Illinois.

Are you involved in any activities? Basketball, softball and 4-H. I might try out for volleyball this year too. Softball and basketball are my favorite. I like to make shots in basketball, and I just like softball in general.

Logan Olbrich
9 years old
Fourth grade

When do you do chores? When I get up at 9 a.m. or 10 a.m. in the summer, and I sometimes help after school.

What is your favorite chore and least favorite chore? My favorite chore is stacking hay in the hay mow, and my least favorite chore is milking cows because it takes like five hours.

What is your favorite animal on your farm? My Jersey cow, Animal Cracker. She is 2 years old. She is from my old cow, and when she was a calf, her hutch was next to the house so I could see her.

What is your favorite subject in school? Math.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A farmer and an umpire.

If you had a farm, describe what it would look like. Blue wood and 5,000 acres.

What is your favorite dairy treat? Milk.

What is your favorite part about farm life during the summer? Getting to do hay.

Are you involved in any activities? Baseball, swimming, 4-H and showing cattle. Baseball is my favorite, and I am on two baseball teams this year. I like winning games and having a lot of fun and learning a lot of stuff.

Sierra Olbrich
7 years old
Second grade

When do you do chores? Whenever I wake up and when I’m done with school at night.
What is your favorite chore and least favorite chore? My favorite chore is milking cows, and my least favorite chore is scooping poop.

What is your favorite animal on your farm? Dahlia. She is a Holstein spring yearling. I showed her last year and this year at Milk Days, and this year, we took second place.

What is your favorite subject in school? Math.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A teacher, a vet and a softball coach.

If you had a farm, describe what it would look like. Blue barns, one Guernsey, one Jersey and one Holstein.

What is your favorite dairy treat? Ice cream and milk.

What is your favorite part about farm life during the summer? Washing cows, bringing cows in the barn and clipping animals.

Are you involved in any activities? Swimming, softball and just playing. Swimming is my favorite because I like jumping off the diving board.

Daxton Olbrich
4 years old

When do you do chores? When I wake up.
What is your favorite chore and least favorite chore? My favorite chore is manure spreading. I like to ride in the tractor with my grandpa or uncle. My least favorite chore is when I get too hot.

What is your favorite animal on your farm? Gummy Bear. She’s a Jersey calf.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A farmer.

If you had a farm, describe what it would look like. Green barns, 100 Jerseys and 100 Holsteins, 100 acres, 50 orange tractors and 50 mixer tractors, 70 bailer tractors, 100 green balers and 50 workers.

What is your favorite dairy treat? Chocolate milk.

What is your favorite part about farm life during the summer? Doing hay.

What activities do you enjoy? Swimming in Nana’s pool. I also like to practice writing my name and doing rhymes.

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