Tell us about your farm and family. I live with my parents, John and Shauna, and my two younger brothers, Peyton and Tanner. We milk about 50 cows in a tiestall barn. Our herd is mostly registered Ayrshires with a few Holsteins and Milking Shorthorns. We grow hay, corn and oats on 350 acres.
Why did you join FFA? I joined FFA because of my agricultural background and because I wanted to broaden my leadership skills and join a club that fits me.
What is your role in the chapter? I am the sentinel of our FFA chapter. My role is helping the president maintain order and help with chapter activities.
What FFA contests do you compete in? Dairy cattle evaluation, parliamentary procedure, supervised agriculture experiences and proficiency in dairy, poultry, goats, diversified livestock and ag processing for maple syrup.
What do you look forward to most in the upcoming FFA year? I enjoy all the chapter activities we do throughout the year and helping at our dairy breakfast.
How has FFA shaped you as a person? FFA has given me more confidence in my public speaking skills and has helped me learn new skills that will be valuable in the future
What are your duties on the farm? I help with all aspects on the farm such as milking, general chores and field work.
What are your future plans? My plan is to go back to the family farm or some other career in agriculture.
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