MARSHFIELD, Wis. – Thirty-five years ago, it was not uncommon for county Holstein organizations to band together and host a sale to help their members and other area dairy farmers market breeding stock from their herds. As the dairy industry has changed, that tradition has slowly waned.
ALMA CENTER, Wis. – When Bailey Larson’s parents went on their first full week of vacation in 27 years, she and her boyfriend, Adam Nordgaard, agreed to take care of chores.
Dr. Dan Kieler Kieler Farms Inc. Platteville, Wisconsin 2,000 cows Describe your facilities and your breeding management team. We milk in a 50-stall rotary and with a 12-row cross-ventilated barn …
SCOTLAND, S.D. – Few small, independent food businesses can claim they go through 500 to 750 pounds of cheese to make pizzas each week.
GOODRIDGE, Minn. – The roar of an engine, the smell of burned rubber, and clouds of smoke filling the air. Those are the sights and sounds of the Daytona 500.
LAKE HENRY, Minn. – Kenny Ley had a problem. Significant snowfall was accumulating on the roof of every building on his farm. So, Ley climbed a ladder to resolve the problem, but he did not …
HUGO, Minn. – Fran and Mary Ann Miron have opened their farm to others. The couple has hosted international delegations, welcomed U.S. and state legislators, opened their space for the filming …
COLUMBUS, Wis. – Fifth-generation dairy farmers, Brady and Brett Weiland, have plans to purchase the family farm from their parents someday. To ensure this dream becomes a reality, the brothers …
WILTON, Wis. – When Bronson Schultz graduated from college in 2014, he decided it was now or never if he was going to farm. “I either had to make a go of it or go find a different …
NORWOOD YOUNG AMERICA, Minn. – Improving forage quality and digestibility is a topic that intrigues Dr. Phil Cardoso, a professor at the University of Illinois.
DENNISON, Minn. – The most popular influencer on YouTube has teamed up with dairy.
5 years ago Staying true to his routine Mark Klehr had a somatic cell count average of 42,000 for his herd of 50 cows near Belle Plaine, Minnesota. This achievement earned him the No. 1 spot on the …
ROCK VALLEY, Iowa – Christmas Day 2009 is a day that Steve Rozeboom and his family would just as soon forget.
Austin Howe 12 years old Sixth grade When do you do chores and what chores do you do? I do chores whenever I’m not at school. I help with milking cows and the morning chores …
Jake Roerick Parents: Dan and Sarah Roerick Burtrum, Minnesota Todd County 110 cows Senior at Upsala Area Schools 18 years old Questions for parents Tell us your favorite experience of Jake helping …
What is your background in the agriculture industry? I have most of my experience on the farming side of the industry. I currently farm 230 acres and have raised beef cattle in the past. I and my …
BELLECHESTER, Minn. – When the Hunekes harvested 57 bushels per acre of soybeans in 2022, their harvest was 15% more than the year’s U.S. Department of Agriculture national average.
ALBANY, Minn. – Brian Weyer has experienced many ways of milking cows in his career, but an investment he made three years ago will extend his career for years to come.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – In the hopes of reaching carbon neutrality, on-farm manure digesters have grown in popularity.
ROSEVILLE, Minn. – Sherry Siemers-Peterman and Pat and Sharlene Daninger were honored with the University of Minnesota Gopher Dairy Club’s top awards Feb. 19 in Roseville.