
Asparagus spring dishes

The sweet sound of robins serenading me during morning chores, heralding the arrival of a glorious sunrise, puts a spring in my step. I can’t help but feel excited and giddy of a new day. The …

Those Twins baseball memories

Spring is baseball season. From sitting sandwiched between Dad and Mom in the front seat of a Buick Park Avenue with the radio on to asking Dad the score when he stopped in the barn, the Minnesota …

Thank you, dairy farmers

Hopefully, if you follow along with my Princess Kay Facebook and Instagram posts, you will have noticed that March was National Nutrition Month. I highlighted a few of the aspects of dairy …

Taking the plunge

People on vacation often have a list of must-see attractions. Many moons ago, when our two sons were grade schoolers, my wife, our boys and I went on a family vacation to the Black Hills. One of our …

According to the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Dr. Nigel Cook, the immediate effects of adding more cows to a pen are mostly positive, i.e., more milk in the tank; while, the long-term …

Paying farm kids

Last month, I told you all about my ongoing foray into the world of finances, taxes and accounting. Tonight, as I sat down at our desk to write up this month’s story, in front of the keyboard …

A moment in time

I remember my first solar eclipse in 1979. I was in the eighth grade. It was in February, and the whole school got to go outside and set up our stations in different parts of the school …

When he was a little boy, Peter had a print hanging that had this quote on it. “Some days you step in it, some days you don’t.” There were beautiful Holstein cows in front …

Human case of HPAI reported

A dairy worker in Texas has tested positive for highly pathogenic avian influenza. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the case is relatively mild with the only symptom being a case …

Stay engaged in farm bill advocacy

With the current farm bill extended through September and no firm prospects for bringing new legislation up for a vote, National Farmers Union President Rob Larew is warning members not to be …

Bringing the baby home

The day this paper comes out, we will be celebrating my youngest daughter’s 11th birthday. As this day approaches, I think about when she was born. My husband, Jason, and I were renting a farm …

Phil is in charge

The past few months were filled with farm meetings, conventions and overnight getaways. I can’t control what happens when I am gone. It doesn’t make a difference if I am not able to …

Sewing stories

I can recall sitting next to my mom at her sewing machine when I was young, listening to the tap-tap-tap of it doing its work.   I watched with amazement as she created whatever her mind …

This winter was one of the warmest we’ve experienced in the past several years. While the nice weather has advantages, these conditions also can be stressful for calves and heifers. Increased …

Historic Galena

Galena: (gә lē’nә) noun. Primary ore of lead: a lustrous blue-gray crystalline mineral that consists mainly of lead sulfide and is the main source of lead. Another definition of galena …

Farm junk drawer

What do you do with a winter like ours? Things you could only imagine. Many of the projects on the bottom of the to-do list have suddenly pushed their way to the top of working projects. …

Feeding wrestlers

Three years ago, when Dan joined the wrestling team, I could often be heard saying, “Never in a million years did I think I’d have a wrestler.” Now, I have three wrestlers, and …

The U.S. Department of Agriculture lowered its milk production forecast in its fifth consecutive World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimates report, citing a smaller dairy cow inventory and slower …

World Trade Organization negotiations went into overtime at its ministerial meeting in Dubai but failed to reach consensus on agriculture or any other major trade initiatives. In an apparent …

Teamwork makes the dream work

“Teamwork makes the dream work.”   This line oozes with cheesiness. It is one of those you hear coaches saying to pump kids up and get them playing better. You can hear the …

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